Welcome to John Suggs’ Family Orchard


Adoptee Search and Reunions

Because most States still legally seal adoptees original birth records, they often go through their whole life without ever knowing who gave birth to them, their birth siblings or their birth family’s medical histories.

Using DNA and other investigative tools, Family Orchard successfully assists adoptees in their searches and their reunions.

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DNA Test Result Analysis

DNA is rapidly transforming the way we connect.  Autosomal DNA testing enables us to reach back 7 generations on both parental lines. The results are proving critical in solving even the most difficult cases. We recommend and utilize the following test sites –AncestryDNA, 23andMe, FamilyTreeDNA, MyHeritage and GedMatch

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Law Enforcement Investigation

Using the same unknown parentage comprehensive investigative methods, the sleuthing combines DNA, birth records and social-media profile. Family Orchard has recently expanded our work portfolio to include assisting members of Law Enforcement in the solving of criminal cold cases.

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Family Orchard LLC was established by John F. Suggs in order to apply his expertise in genetic analysis, forensic research and investigation to the field of genetic genealogy where he assists “persons of unknown parentage” such as:  adult adoptees, sperm and egg donor’s adult children and others searching for their biological roots. In addition, using the same investigative methods, he has recently expanded his work portfolio to include assisting members of Law Enforcement in the solving of criminal cold cases.

Begin Your Search Now

Using DNA and other investigative tools, Family Orchard successfully assists adoptees in their searches and their reunions.
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Success Stories

I have my father’s eyes

In a few months I will turn 84 years old. I never dreamed that one day I would be sitting on a boat in Newport Beach Harbor with two of my newly found half brothers enjoying a picnic and happily getting to know each other. Or that one of them would just keep looking...

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FIRST PERSON – A Father and Son Reunion

By Morgan ZC haitiantimes.com I had no idea who my father was for the first 74 years of my life. Given up for adoption, all I knew was what the adoption records stated: that my father had died before I was born. I often wondered who he was? How did he die? Had he even...

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I look just like my biological mother!

I had been searching for my biological mother and biological father on and off for over 20 years with no real progress due to the antiquated closed adoption laws of New York State.  Then John came into my life.  Within days he had made more progress than I had in...

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91-Year-Old Mystery Solved

John did the seemingly impossible. He solved a 91-year-old family mystery and successfully found my birth grandmother’s next of kin – an 85-year-old nephew – who was able to finally tell us about my birth grandmother who would have been 111...

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