I had been searching for my biological mother and biological father on and off for over 20 years with no real progress due to the antiquated closed adoption laws of New York State.  Then John came into my life.  Within days he had made more progress than I had in years.  John was everything you could ask for in an advocate.  He is persistent, compassionate, resourceful and an empathetic communicator to help guide you through the roller coaster of emotions you will experience in this very personal journey.

Using my DNA, not only did John first find my biological mother (who, sadly, we discovered had passed away just 3 years before we found her and thus taking my biological father’s identity with her to her grave ) but he pressed on and finally found my biological Father (who, unfortunately, had also passed away.)  But, because of John, I have found living half siblings as well as living cousins and he assisted me with those reunions.

His finding my biological family is a true testament to John’s commitment and persistence in helping adoptees close the loop on discovering their hereditary history.  As we all know, this can be an emotional, frustrating and trying experience.  John is not only an expert investigator, opening doors you never even knew existed, but he is a master at supporting you through the process, explaining the science and mapping out a strategy to help get you the answers you’re looking for.

Don’t wait and let precious time pass!  Reach out to John to have him help guide you through this door to your past.  It is open and waiting for you!

I recommend John Suggs without a single reservation to any person looking to find answers to they’re family origins.

Christopher C.

Rancho Palos Verdes, CA


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