I have searched for my daughter for decades to no avail ever since that horrible day when she was taken from me by deceit as a little toddler.  I was just 16 years old when she was born and, after I refused to relinquish her when she was born, she was placed in Foster Care while I worked to get a home ready for her. Tragically, one day when I was visiting her a social worker gave me a supposedly “routine foster care visitation form” to sign to make it easy for me to visit her. Well, unbeknownst to me, that routine visitation form turned out to be a legal relinquishment form and, without my knowledge or consent, my baby was spirited away from me and placed in adoption.    

I cannot even begin to describe the terrible heartache I have carried with me every day since then. Over the years, I have searched and searched for her but to no avail. But it was only when my doctor gave me my Cancer diagnosis and I began Chemo Treatment that I knew that if I was ever going to find her it would have to be now.

I was told about John’s Family Orchard from my sister and her husband. At first I thought it would be just another organization like I had unsuccessfully used in the past. Another attempt like the many, many before l had tried with only continued heartache as a result.

I was so very wrong! From the first time I spoke to John I felt a real spark of hope. His sense of confidence was contagious. He listened and understood the pain that had been forever hidden in my heart. He knew the right questions to ask. He didn’t waste one moment getting started and kept me informed all the way. I didn’t have to sit wondering all the while. 

When the call from John came saying ” I found her”, he too was filled with joy. I sobbed but he understood. 

My beautiful daughter and I have now spoken, and God willing, she will soon be in my arms agains. 

For 55 long years there has been a giant hole in my heart. That hole is filled! I’m complete! None of this would have been possible without John Suggs, his compassion, his expertise and steadfastness. Meeting him was a true blessing!

Thank you! 

Judy J

Inverness, Florida

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